48 toodet

  • Lauapealne külmvitriin RTW 101 BE on väga hea hinna ja kvaliteediga lauapealne külmvitriin. Ideaalne toode väiksematele kohvikutele, kus pole palju ruumi.
    • Taga lükanduksed
    • 2 riiulit
    • LED-valgustus
    • Mustast plastikust korpus
    • Mehaaniline juhtpult
    • väga kena disain
    Sku: 19310101BE10000

    Lauapealne külmvitriin RTW 101 BE

    697.84 sis. KM
  • Lauapealne külmvitriin RTW 129 BE on väga hea hinna ja kvaliteediga lauapealne külmvitriin. Ideaalne toode väiksematele kohvikutele, kus pole palju ruumi.
    • Taga 2 lükandust
    • 3 klaasist riiulit, mis on nurga alla reguleeritavad
    • Ühe riiuli kandevõime maksimaalselt 15kg
    • Riiuli mõõt 493 x 264mm
    • 2 vertikaalset LED-valgustit
    • Mustast plastikust korpus
    • Digitaalne displei
    • Väga kena disain
    Sku: 19310129BE10000

    Lauapealne külmvitriin RTW 129 BE

    966.24 sis. KM
  • Lauapealne külmvitriin RTW 160 E on väga hea hinna ja kvaliteediga lauapealne külmvitriin. Ideaalne toode väiksematele kohvikutele, kus pole palju ruumi.
    • Taga lükanduksed
    • 2 riiulit
    • LED-valgustus
    • Roostevabast terasest korpus
    • Digitaalne juhtpult
    • Väga kena disain
    Sku: 19310160E310000

    Lauapealne külmvitriin RTW 160 E

    966.24 sis. KM
  • Ümar kondiitrilett 100L sobib suurepäraselt kondiitritoodetele, pagaritöökodadesse, bistroodesse, kohvikutesse ja kõikjale, kus soovime kooke ja magustoite alandatud temperatuuril esitada.
    • Roostevabast terasest korpus, karastatud topeltklaas
    • Lihtne juurdepääs vitriini sisse isesulguvate uste kaudu
    • Automaatse sulatamisega sundõhuringlus, kompressor asub kambri all
    • 3 reguleeritavat klaasriiulit
    • LED-valgustus mõlemal küljel
    • 3 ratast, 1 rattal on pidurid
    • Elektrooniline termostaat ja digitaalne lülitiga ekraan
    • Temperatuurivahemik: +2/+6 °C
    • Kliimaklass: 6
    • Külmutusaine: R600a
    • Energiaklass: C
    Sku: 233825

    Ümar kondiitrilett 100L

    1,131.31 sis. KM
    1,131.31 sis. KM Lisa korvi
  • Kondiitrilett Vela on väga kauni disainiga lauapealne kondiitrilett. Sobib kasutamiseks kookidele, võileibadele, sushile, snäkkidele ja jookidele.
    • Letil on 3 riiulit maksimaalse nähtavusega kliendi poolt, pluss kaks tasapinda üleval ja all (leti põhi).
    • Topeltklaasid, igas küljes
    • Igal riiulil on valgustus, High Power LED-id, minimaalne energiatarve.
    • Võimas külmaagregaat, roostevaba konstruktsiooni sees
    • Kompressor on peidetud korpuse sisse
    • Lihtne puhastada
    • Reguleeritavad riiulid
    Sku: Kondiitrilett Vela

    Kondiitrilett Vela

    2,016.66 sis. KM
    2,016.66 sis. KM Lisa korvi
  • Kondiitrilett Dolce on vertikaalne kondiitrilett, millel on revolutsiooniline ümar disain.  Lett pakub toodetele lausa 360º vaateala, milles on ideaalne esitleda kooke ja kondiitritooteid. Letil on karastatud klaas, klaasist riiulid, riiulid on reguleeritavad. Võimas Led valgustus 3500 k. Uks avaneb tagant 180º, mis  võimaldab lihtsalt puhastada seest. Õhuvool on viidud aeglaseks, et vältida toodete kuivatamist. Madal elektrikulu.
    Sku: Kondiitrilett Dolce

    Kondiitrilett Dolce

    1,891.00 sis. KM
    1,891.00 sis. KM Lisa korvi
  • Kondiitrilett Tower TW, on väga kauni disainiga lauapealne kondiitrilett. Sobib kasutamiseks kookidele, võileibadele, sushile, snäkkidele ja jookidele. Letil on 3 riiulid maksimaalse nähtavusega kliendi poolt, pluss kaks tasapinda üleval ja all (leti põhi). Topeltklaasid, igas küljes Igal riiulil on valgustus, High Power LED-id, minimaalne energiatarve. Võimas külmaagregaat, roostevaba konstruktsiooni sees Kompressor on peidetud korpuse sisse Ülemine letitasapind on mõõtudega 700 x 300 mm. Reguleeritavad riiulid
    Sku: Kondiitrilett Tower TW

    Kondiitrilett Tower TW

    1,949.56 sis. KM
    1,949.56 sis. KM Lisa korvi
  • Kondiitrilett Tower TWB, on väga kauni disainiga lauapealne kondiitrilett. Sobib kasutamiseks kookidele, võileibadele, sushile, snäkkidele ja jookidele. Letil on 3 riiulid maksimaalse nähtavusega kliendi poolt, pluss kaks tasapinda üleval ja all (leti põhi). Topeltklaasid, igas küljes Igal riiulil on valgustus, High Power LED-id, minimaalne energiatarve. Võimas külmaagregaat, roostevaba konstruktsiooni sees Kompressor on peidetud korpuse sisse Ülemine letitasapind on mõõtudega 700 x 300 mm. Reguleeritavad riiulid
    Sku: Kondiitrilett Tower TWB

    Kondiitrilett Tower TWB

    1,937.36 sis. KM
    1,937.36 sis. KM Lisa korvi
  • Lauapealne külmik 4 x GN 1/3 välis- ja sisekorpus valmistatud kõrgekvaliteedilisest terasest
    • Vitriin karastatud klaasist
    • Staatiline jahutus – jahutatakse sisemist vanni
    • Isolatsioonimaterjali (C5H10) paksus: 40 mm
    • Digitaalne ekraan, elektrooniline termostaat
    • Temperatuuride vahemik: +2 °C kuni +8 °C
    • Jahutuskompressor EMBRACO
    • Kompressor: EMT45HLR võimsusega 1/5 hj
    • Automaatne sulatamine
    • Külmutusagens R600a
    • Kliimaklass: 5
    • Probleemideta töötamine, kui ümbritseva keskkonna temperatuur on kuni +32 °C ja suhteline õhuniiskus kuni 60%
    • 4 plastist jalga
    • GN anuma maksimaalne kõrgus 150 mm
    (GN toiduanumad ei kuulu komplekti)

    Lauapealne külmik 4 x GN 1/3

    706.99 sis. KM
  • Lauapealne külmik 6 x GN 1/3 välis- ja sisekorpus valmistatud kõrgekvaliteedilisest terasest
    • Vitriin karastatud klaasist
    • Staatiline jahutus – jahutatakse sisemist vanni
    • Isolatsioonimaterjali (C5H10) paksus: 40 mm
    • Digitaalne ekraan, elektrooniline termostaat
    • Temperatuuride vahemik: +2 °C kuni +8 °C
    • Jahutuskompressor EMBRACO
    • Kompressor: EMT45HLR võimsusega 1/5 hj
    • Automaatne sulatamine
    • Külmutusagens R600a
    • Kliimaklass: 5
    • Probleemideta töötamine, kui ümbritseva keskkonna temperatuur on kuni +32 °C ja suhteline õhuniiskus kuni 60%
    • 4 plastist jalga
    • GN anuma maksimaalne kõrgus 150 mm
    (GN toiduanumad ei kuulu komplekti)  

    Lauapealne külmik 6 x GN 1/3

    777.63 sis. KM
  • Lauapealne külmik 7 x GN 1/3 välis- ja sisekorpus valmistatud kõrgekvaliteedilisest terasest
    • Vitriin karastatud klaasist
    • Staatiline jahutus – jahutatakse sisemist vanni
    • Isolatsioonimaterjali (C5H10) paksus: 40 mm
    • Digitaalne ekraan, elektrooniline termostaat
    • Temperatuuride vahemik: +2 °C kuni +8 °C
    • Jahutuskompressor EMBRACO
    • Kompressor: EMT45HLR võimsusega 1/5 hj
    • Automaatne sulatamine
    • Külmutusagens R600a
    • Kliimaklass: 5
    • Probleemideta töötamine, kui ümbritseva keskkonna temperatuur on kuni +32 °C ja suhteline õhuniiskus kuni 60%
    • 4 plastist jalga
    • GN anuma maksimaalne kõrgus 150 mm
    (GN toiduanumad ei kuulu komplekti)  

    Lauapealne külmik 7 x GN 1/3

    883.77 sis. KM
  • Lauapealne külmik 9 x GN 1/3 välis- ja sisekorpus valmistatud kõrgekvaliteedilisest terasest
    • Vitriin karastatud klaasist
    • Staatiline jahutus – jahutatakse sisemist vanni
    • Isolatsioonimaterjali (C5H10) paksus: 40 mm
    • Digitaalne ekraan, elektrooniline termostaat
    • Temperatuuride vahemik: +2 °C kuni +8 °C
    • Jahutuskompressor EMBRACO
    • Kompressor: EMT45HLR võimsusega 1/5 hj
    • Automaatne sulatamine
    • Külmutusagens R600a
    • Kliimaklass: 5
    • Probleemideta töötamine, kui ümbritseva keskkonna temperatuur on kuni +32 °C ja suhteline õhuniiskus kuni 60%
    • 4 plastist jalga
    • GN anuma maksimaalne kõrgus 150 mm
    (GN toiduanumad ei kuulu komplekti)  

    Lauapealne külmik 9 x GN 1/3

    954.53 sis. KM
  • Lauapealne külmik 5 x GN 1/4 välis- ja sisekorpus valmistatud kõrgekvaliteedilisest terasest
    • Vitriin karastatud klaasist
    • Staatiline jahutus – jahutatakse sisemist vanni
    • Isolatsioonimaterjali (C5H10) paksus: 40 mm
    • Digitaalne ekraan, elektrooniline termostaat
    • Temperatuuride vahemik: +2 °C kuni +8 °C
    • Jahutuskompressor EMBRACO
    • Kompressor: EMT45HLR võimsusega 1/5 hj
    • Automaatne sulatamine
    • Külmutusagens R600a
    • Kliimaklass: 5
    • Probleemideta töötamine, kui ümbritseva keskkonna temperatuur on kuni +32 °C ja suhteline õhuniiskus kuni 60%
    • 4 plastist jalga
    • GN anuma maksimaalne kõrgus 150 mm
    (GN toiduanumad ei kuulu komplekti)  

    Lauapealne külmik 5 x GN 1/4

    671.61 sis. KM
  • Lauapealne külmik 7 x GN 1/4 välis- ja sisekorpus valmistatud kõrgekvaliteedilisest terasest
    • Vitriin karastatud klaasist
    • Staatiline jahutus – jahutatakse sisemist vanni
    • Isolatsioonimaterjali (C5H10) paksus: 40 mm
    • Digitaalne ekraan, elektrooniline termostaat
    • Temperatuuride vahemik: +2 °C kuni +8 °C
    • Jahutuskompressor EMBRACO
    • Kompressor: EMT45HLR võimsusega 1/5 hj
    • Automaatne sulatamine
    • Külmutusagens R600a
    • Kliimaklass: 5
    • Probleemideta töötamine, kui ümbritseva keskkonna temperatuur on kuni +32 °C ja suhteline õhuniiskus kuni 60%
    • 4 plastist jalga
    • GN anuma maksimaalne kõrgus 150 mm
    (GN toiduanumad ei kuulu komplekti)  

    Lauapealne külmik 7 x GN 1/4

    777.63 sis. KM
  • Lauapealne külmik 8 x GN 1/4 välis- ja sisekorpus valmistatud kõrgekvaliteedilisest terasest
    • Vitriin karastatud klaasist
    • Staatiline jahutus – jahutatakse sisemist vanni
    • Isolatsioonimaterjali (C5H10) paksus: 40 mm
    • Digitaalne ekraan, elektrooniline termostaat
    • Temperatuuride vahemik: +2 °C kuni +8 °C
    • Jahutuskompressor EMBRACO
    • Kompressor: EMT45HLR võimsusega 1/5 hj
    • Automaatne sulatamine
    • Külmutusagens R600a
    • Kliimaklass: 5
    • Probleemideta töötamine, kui ümbritseva keskkonna temperatuur on kuni +32 °C ja suhteline õhuniiskus kuni 60%
    • 4 plastist jalga
    • GN anuma maksimaalne kõrgus 150 mm
    (GN toiduanumad ei kuulu komplekti)    

    Lauapealne külmik 8 x GN 1/4

    883.77 sis. KM
  • Lauapealne külmik GN6 on oma kompressoriga Elektrooniline juhtpaneel Ventileeritud jahutus Automaatne sulatus Automaatne kondesnaadivee aurustumine Sisepinnad roostevabast terasest AISI304 Mahutab 6 GN konteinerit 1/3 Väliskorpus tehtud roostevabast terasest AISI304
    Sku: Lauapealne külmik GN6

    Lauapealne külmik GN6

    866.20 sis. KM
  • Lauapealne külmik GN9 on oma kompressoriga Elektrooniline juhtpaneel Ventileeritud jahutus Automaatne sulatus Automaatne kondesnaadivee aurustumine Sisepinnad roostevabast terasest AISI304 Mahutab 6 GN konteinerit 1/3 Väliskorpus tehtud roostevabast terasest AISI304
    Sku: Lauapealne külmik GN9

    Lauapealne külmik GN9

    974.78 sis. KM
  • Lauapealne külmik GN11 on oma kompressoriga Elektrooniline juhtpaneel Ventileeritud jahutus Automaatne sulatus Automaatne kondesnaadivee aurustumine Sisepinnad roostevabast terasest AISI304 Mahutab 6 GN konteinerit 1/3 Väliskorpus tehtud roostevabast terasest AISI304
    Sku: Lauapealne külmik GN11

    Lauapealne külmik GN11

    1,096.78 sis. KM
    1,096.78 sis. KM Lisa korvi
  • Lauapealne külmvitriin Katrin, valget värvi plastik korpus, 2 riiulit plastikuga kaetud, LED valgustus, ventileeritud jahutus, automaatne sulatus, külmaagens R600a.[:en]• Material: (housing) plastic • 4 sided double glazing • 2 plastic coated adjustable grids • LED interior lighting • Forced-air cooling • Automatic defrost • Refrigerant: R600a[:ru]• Material: (housing) plastic • 4 sided double glazing • 2 plastic coated adjustable grids • LED interior lighting • Forced-air cooling • Automatic defrost • Refrigerant: R600a
    Sku: 09400836

    Lauapealne külmvitriin Katrin

    638.06 sis. KM
  • Lauapealne külmvitriin Coloso, 0.43 m, frame in black painted polyurethane, with internal parts in stainless steel AISI 304 - Same color stainless steel ventilation grids - Panoramic curved front glass and hinged door operator side - 5 rotating removable crystal shelves (mirror bottom one); diam. 320mm - Ventilated refrigeration with automatic defrosting and automatic evaporation of defrost water - LED lighting with high luminous efficiency and energy savings - Electronic control unit with display and control panel - Feet as standard
    Sku: Lauapealne külmvitriin Coloso, 0.43 m

    Lauapealne külmvitriin Coloso

    1,526.22 sis. KM
    1,526.22 sis. KM Lisa korvi
  • '- Thermodynamics R290 - White LED backlit soft-touch control unit with advanced saving function energy - Color LED temperature at the customer’s choice: 3,000 K or 6,500 K - No. 4 removable rotating crystal plates - Elegant frame in black anodized aluminum - Double glazing three glass-sheets on each side, framed and sealed, with a dry air insulation, for maximum insulation performance - Large embedded stainless-steel handle
    Sku: Lauapealne külmvitriin MUSA 120 R, 0,55 m

    Lauapealne külmvitriin MUSA 120 R

  • Lauapealne külmvitriin ADDA SMALL, 0.7 m on ideaalne võileibade, pagaritoodete müügiks. Ideaalsed külmikud bensiinijaamades, kiirtoidukohtades, supermarketites toidukaupade müügiks. Tagant teenindatav Mõõt GN2 Lauapealne mudel LED valgustus Roostevabast terasest korpus Peegelkattega tagauksed Eemaldatavad riiulid Tehniline informatisoon: Ventileeritud jahutus Elektrooniline kontroller Sise temperatuur +2 / +6°C  (ruumi temperatuuril +25°C / 60% RH) Automaatne sulatus Külmaagens R134a Vool 230V / 50Hz
    Sku: Lauapealne külmvitriin ADDA SMALL, 0.7 m

    Lauapealne külmvitriin ADDA SMALL

  • Lauapealne külmvitriin LOIRE COLD, 0.6 m hoiab tooteid nõutud temperatuuril +4..+8 C.  Külmvitriin Loire Cold on mõeldud toiduainete eksponeerimiseks laua peal. Sobib väiksematele restoranidele, poodidele, baaridele jne. Tehniline info:
    • roostevabast terasest korpus
    • ülemised ja külje seinad klaasist, hingedel uksed pleksiklaasist.
    • 2 müügi tasapinda, oma valgustusega
    • ventileeritud jahutus, automaatse sulatusega ja digitaalse kontrolleriga
    • lisana saadav: ülemine reklaamtahvel pleksiklaasist (standard kirjaga Dessert või vastavalt kliendi soovile kiri )
    • saadaval iseteenindusletina ( 4 hingedel ust ees ja taga küljel)
    Sku: Lauapealne külmvitriin LOIRE COLD, 0.6 m

    Lauapealne külmvitriin LOIRE COLD

  • Lauapealne külmvitriin ADDA 2GN, 0.74 m sobib võileibade, jookide, pagaritoodete müüksiks. Ideaalsed bensiinijaamadesse, kiirsöögikohtadele, supermarketitele. Iseteenindus versioon Lauapeal kasutamiseks Roostevabast terasest korpus Temperatuur +2/+6 °C (kesmistel tingimustel+25°C ja 60% RH) Ventileeritud jahutus, digitaalne kontroller Automaatne sulatus ja vee kondenseerumine
    Sku: Lauapealne külmvitriin ADDA 2GN, 0.74 m

    Lauapealne külmvitriin ADDA 2GN

    2,443.66 sis. KM
    2,443.66 sis. KM Lisa korvi
  • Lauapealne külmvitriin ADDA 3GN, 1.0 m sobib võileibade, jookide, pagaritoodete müüksiks. Ideaalsed bensiinijaamadesse, kiirsöögikohtadele, supermarketitele. Iseteenindus versioon Lauapeal kasutamiseks Roostevabast terasest korpus Temperatuur +2/+6 °C (kesmistel tingimustel+25°C ja 60% RH) Ventileeritud jahutus, digitaalne kontroller Automaatne sulatus ja vee kondenseerumine
    Sku: Lauapealne külmvitriin ADDA 3GN, 1.0 m

    Lauapealne külmvitriin ADDA 3GN

    2,536.38 sis. KM
    2,536.38 sis. KM Lisa korvi
  • Product description the new product range of serve over, top table counters brings attractive design and innovation to any fast-food outlets, restaurants, supermarket's "fresh corners" and fuel stations. The showcase THAYA is offered both in COLD as well as HOT version, thus may present a very wide range of food from baguettes, sandwiches, desserts to grilled chicken, pizza and the like such as baguettes, sandwiches, drinks, pastries, etc. Serve over Variants HOT and COLD Available sizes: GN1, GN, GN2 High, GN3 Top table or DROP-IN by removing the front panel easily LED lighting Stainless steel construction Mirror Back doors Removable shelves Technical information: Manutal thermostat Operating temperature +30 / +90°C (at ambient temperature +25°C / 60% RH) Fine air-flow thanks to radial built-in fan Water tray for humidification of inner space Voltage 230V / 50Hz
    Sku: Lauapealne külmvitriin THAYA 600, 0.6 m

    Lauapealne külmvitriin THAYA 600

  • Täiendav informatsioon

    The refrigerated case Bighorn with modern design is ideal for presentation and sale of cooled products and is especially convenient for small and medium size shops. The display area of the case is equipped with two shelves and bottom, there is also a fluorescent light in the upper part of the case. The easy access to displayed products allows the sell over model the back sliding glass and the self service model the front hinged perplexes. The refrigerated show case Bighorn Remote has got an aggregate placed away from the showcase. The maximum distance of 2 meters (standard), is designed for chilled food presentation and sale. The showcase is connected to the aggregate unit by thermoplastic hoses and quick-acting couplings, which enable fast connection without the necessity of contacting specialised engineers. The next big advantage is greater flexibility, in placing the aggregate under the showcase and also the possibility to disconnect and reconnect the unit in the future. Wherever deciding to place the aggregate, make sure there is good ventilation, to increase the cooling systems' life. Technical data: - stainless-steel construction - front, side and back double insulated glass (low costs) - adjustable feet - static cooling - electronic control of the unit - temperature range: +2/+12 °C (designed for +25°C and 60°r.h.) - automatic defrosting and evaporation of condensate water - refrigerating gas R404a/R134a - desk foamed up with polyurethane CFC free with density 40 kg/m3 - the aggregate can be placed on the right or on the left side of unit - three model lengths - versions: -Bighorn – 1302 mm -Bighorn Remote – 705 mm, 1005 mm Two performance: - sell over model with front insulated double glass (removable KIT) and with back sliding door - self-service model with front hinged perplexes (removable KIT) and with back sliding door Construction characteristics:  - new design - insulated double glases – low costs - two module lines by model Bighorn remote - the glass case cover and the show - part is made from stainless steel (AISI 304 18/8) - inner lighting - 2 shelves - the cooling system on the left or the right side by model Bighorn
    Sku: Lauapealne külmvitriin BIG HORN, 1.3 m

    Lauapealne külmvitriin BIG HORN

  • This top table refrigerated display case OHIO  with built-in aggregate is intended for the presentation and sale of chilled food. There is an insulative doubleglass used on the front and side glasses to reduce the heat loss and reduce the dew-drops on the showcase. The doubleglass also reduce the electricity consumption of motor-compressor, shorten the period of its operation and thereby prolong life-time. All the glasses are tempered. This showcase is made of food stainless steel. The operation is controlled by electronic unit EVCO - the temperature range is +2 / +12° C. The cooling is static (evaporator is located at the top of the showcase), the defrosting of the evaporator is automatically followed by evaporation of condensate of safety reservoir. This showcase is available with the aggregate on the right or on the left side (seen from the back side). The display space of the showcase is equipped with two shelves and fluorescent lamp that is better for highlighting the displayed products. The easy access to displayed products allows the back sliding doors in the sell over model and the self-service model is equipped with the front hinged perplexes as well as the back sliding door. Technical data Dimensions: 1210x630x635 mm Number of shelves: 2ks + bottom display plate Temperature range: +2 / +12° C (at an ambient operating temperature +25° C and humidity 60% RH) Refrigerant: R404a Electrical voltage: 230V/50Hz Electric power: 250 W Weight: 55 kg
    Sku: Lauapealne külmvitriin OHIO, 1.2 m

    Lauapealne külmvitriin OHIO

  • Täiendav informatsioon

    Cold Spot, a cold display case for all types of bars (restaurants, pubs, coffe bars etc.) with a new modern design provides an unique advertising and display solution. Technical data: - rugged and solid construction - electronic thermostat - illuminated upper and lower shelves - forced air with automatic defrosting - temperature range: +4°C/+8 °C - one dimension - standard or self-service versions - voltage 230V/50Hz/1Ph - plexi top advertising panel
    Sku: Lauapealne külmvitriin COLD SPOT, 0.6 m

    Lauapealne külmvitriin COLD SPOT

  • [:et]

    Lauapealne külmvitriin KENTUCKY 600, 0.6 m

    The cooling is ensured by forced air circulation, automatic defrosting with condensate evaporation. The operation is controlled by a thermostat. The upper part of the showcase is provided with fluorescent lighting. A removable rack allows the extension of the display area. Big advantage of this cooling box is its technical solution concerning front and side glass warm-air blowing coming from the condensor. The openings on the external sides of the box avoid the humidity condensation on the glass while the higher humidity in outer space and lower temperature inside the box.
    Technical data  
    • complete stainless-steel construction
    • front curved glass - easy removable
    • forced air circulation - equal distribution of air
    • automatic defrosting of the evaporator
    • automatic evaporation of condensate water
    • electronic control of the unit
    • designed for +25°C and 60°r.h.
    • four model lengths - versions: standard – 1 GN, 2 GN, 3 GN, 4 GN high – 2 GN, 3 GN self-service – 2 GN, 3 GN
    • 1 GN, 2 GN with back hinged door 3 GN, 4 GN with back sliding door
    • accessories: cutting board, front display menu pane

    Täiendav informatsioon

    Kentucky COLD The cooling is ensured by forced air circulation, automatic defrosting with condensate evaporation. The operation is controlled by a thermostat. The upper part of the showcase is provided with fluorescent lighting. A removable rack allows the extension of the display area. Big advantage of this cooling box is its technical solution concerning front and side glass warm-air blowing coming from the condensor. The openings on the external sides of the box avoid the humidity condensation on the glass while the higher humidity in outer space and lower temperature inside the box.
    Technical data
    • complete stainless-steel construction
    • front curved glass - easy removable
    • forced air circulation - equal distribution of air
    • automatic defrosting of the evaporator
    • automatic evaporation of condensate water
    • electronic control of the unit
    • designed for +25°C and 60°r.h.
    • four model lengths - versions: standard – 1 GN, 2 GN, 3 GN, 4 GN high – 2 GN, 3 GN self-service – 2 GN, 3 GN
    • 1 GN, 2 GN with back hinged door 3 GN, 4 GN with back sliding door
    • accessories: cutting board, front display menu pane

    Täiendav informatsioon

    Kentucky COLD The cooling is ensured by forced air circulation, automatic defrosting with condensate evaporation. The operation is controlled by a thermostat. The upper part of the showcase is provided with fluorescent lighting. A removable rack allows the extension of the display area. Big advantage of this cooling box is its technical solution concerning front and side glass warm-air blowing coming from the condensor. The openings on the external sides of the box avoid the humidity condensation on the glass while the higher humidity in outer space and lower temperature inside the box.
    Technical data
    • complete stainless-steel construction
    • front curved glass - easy removable
    • forced air circulation - equal distribution of air
    • automatic defrosting of the evaporator
    • automatic evaporation of condensate water
    • electronic control of the unit
    • designed for +25°C and 60°r.h.
    • four model lengths - versions: standard – 1 GN, 2 GN, 3 GN, 4 GN high – 2 GN, 3 GN self-service – 2 GN, 3 GN
    • 1 GN, 2 GN with back hinged door 3 GN, 4 GN with back sliding door
    • accessories: cutting board, front display menu pane
    Sku: Lauapealne külmvitriin KENTUCKY 600, 0.6 m

    Lauapealne külmvitriin KENTUCKY 600

  • The cooling is ensured by forced air circulation, automatic defrosting with condensate evaporation. The operation is controlled by a thermostat. The upper part of the showcase is provided with fluorescent lighting. A removable rack allows the extension of the display area. Big advantage of this cooling box is its technical solution concerning front and side glass warm-air blowing coming from the condensor. The openings on the external sides of the box avoid the humidity condensation on the glass while the higher humidity in outer space and lower temperature inside the box. Technical data complete stainless-steel construction front curved glass - easy removable forced air circulation - equal distribution of air automatic defrosting of the evaporator automatic evaporation of condensate water electronic control of the unit designed for +25°C and 60°r.h. four model lengths - versions: standard – 1 GN, 2 GN, 3 GN, 4 GN high – 2 GN, 3 GN self-service – 2 GN, 3 GN 1 GN, 2 GN with back hinged door 3 GN, 4 GN with back sliding door accessories: cutting board, front display menu panel.
    Sku: Lauapealne külmvitriin KENTUCKY 1GN, 0.48 m

    Lauapealne külmvitriin KENTUCKY 1GN

  • Täiendav informatsioon

    Loire Cold, a cold display case for all types of bars (restaurants, pubs, coffe bars etc.) with a new modern design provides an unique advertising and display solution. Technical data: - a rugged and solid construction - electronic thermostat - illuminated upper and lower shelves - forced air with automatic defrosting - temperature range: +4°C/+8 °C - one dimension - standard or self-service versions - voltage 230V/50Hz/1Ph - colours: INOX - plexi top advertising
    Sku: Lauapealne külmvitriin COLD SPOT, 0,6 m

    Lauapealne külmvitriin LOIRE COLD, 0,6 m

  • Täiendav informatsioon

    Kentucky COLD The cooling is ensured by forced air circulation, automatic defrosting with condensate evaporation. The operation is controlled by a thermostat. The upper part of the showcase is provided with fluorescent lighting. A removable rack allows the extension of the display area. Big advantage of this cooling box is its technical solution concerning front and side glass warm-air blowing coming from the condensor. The openings on the external sides of the box avoid the humidity condensation on the glass while the higher humidity in outer space and lower temperature inside the box.
    Technical data  
    • complete stainless-steel construction
    • front curved glass - easy removable
    • forced air circulation - equal distribution of air
    • automatic defrosting of the evaporator
    • automatic evaporation of condensate water
    • electronic control of the unit
    • designed for +25°C and 60°r.h.
    • four model lengths - versions: standard – 1 GN, 2 GN, 3 GN, 4 GN high – 2 GN, 3 GN self-service – 2 GN, 3 GN
    • 1 GN, 2 GN with back hinged door 3 GN, 4 GN with back sliding door
    • accessories: cutting board, front display menu pane
    Sku: Lauapealne külmvitriin KENTUCKY 2 GN HIGH, 0,75 m

    Lauapealne külmvitriin KENTUCKY 2 GN HIGH, 0,75 m

  • Täiendav informatsioon

    Kentucky COLD The cooling is ensured by forced air circulation, automatic defrosting with condensate evaporation. The operation is controlled by a thermostat. The upper part of the showcase is provided with fluorescent lighting. A removable rack allows the extension of the display area. Big advantage of this cooling box is its technical solution concerning front and side glass warm-air blowing coming from the condensor. The openings on the external sides of the box avoid the humidity condensation on the glass while the higher humidity in outer space and lower temperature inside the box.
    Technical data  
    • complete stainless-steel construction
    • front curved glass - easy removable
    • forced air circulation - equal distribution of air
    • automatic defrosting of the evaporator
    • automatic evaporation of condensate water
    • electronic control of the unit
    • designed for +25°C and 60°r.h.
    • four model lengths - versions: standard – 1 GN, 2 GN, 3 GN, 4 GN high – 2 GN, 3 GN self-service – 2 GN, 3 GN
    • 1 GN, 2 GN with back hinged door 3 GN, 4 GN with back sliding door
    • accessories: cutting board, front display menu pane
    Sku: Lauapealne külmvitriin KENTUCKY 2 GN ICE-CREAM, 0,75 m

    Lauapealne külmvitriin KENTUCKY 2 GN ICE-CREAM, 0,75 m

  • Täiendav informatsioon

    Kentucky COLD The cooling is ensured by forced air circulation, automatic defrosting with condensate evaporation. The operation is controlled by a thermostat. The upper part of the showcase is provided with fluorescent lighting. A removable rack allows the extension of the display area. Big advantage of this cooling box is its technical solution concerning front and side glass warm-air blowing coming from the condensor. The openings on the external sides of the box avoid the humidity condensation on the glass while the higher humidity in outer space and lower temperature inside the box.
    Technical data  
    • complete stainless-steel construction
    • front curved glass - easy removable
    • forced air circulation - equal distribution of air
    • automatic defrosting of the evaporator
    • automatic evaporation of condensate water
    • electronic control of the unit
    • designed for +25°C and 60°r.h.
    • four model lengths - versions: standard – 1 GN, 2 GN, 3 GN, 4 GN high – 2 GN, 3 GN self-service – 2 GN, 3 GN
    • 1 GN, 2 GN with back hinged door 3 GN, 4 GN with back sliding door
    • accessories: cutting board, front display menu pane
    Sku: Lauapealne külmvitriin KENTUCKY 2 GN s-s, 0,75 m

    Lauapealne külmvitriin KENTUCKY 2 GN s-s, 0,75 m

  • Täiendav informatsioon

    Kentucky COLD The cooling is ensured by forced air circulation, automatic defrosting with condensate evaporation. The operation is controlled by a thermostat. The upper part of the showcase is provided with fluorescent lighting. A removable rack allows the extension of the display area. Big advantage of this cooling box is its technical solution concerning front and side glass warm-air blowing coming from the condensor. The openings on the external sides of the box avoid the humidity condensation on the glass while the higher humidity in outer space and lower temperature inside the box.
    Technical data  
    • complete stainless-steel construction
    • front curved glass - easy removable
    • forced air circulation - equal distribution of air
    • automatic defrosting of the evaporator
    • automatic evaporation of condensate water
    • electronic control of the unit
    • designed for +25°C and 60°r.h.
    • four model lengths - versions: standard – 1 GN, 2 GN, 3 GN, 4 GN high – 2 GN, 3 GN self-service – 2 GN, 3 GN
    • 1 GN, 2 GN with back hinged door 3 GN, 4 GN with back sliding door
    • accessories: cutting board, front display menu pane
    Sku: Lauapealne külmvitriin KENTUCKY 2 GN, 0,75 m

    Lauapealne külmvitriin KENTUCKY 2 GN, 0,75 m

  • Täiendav informatsioon

    Kentucky COLD The cooling is ensured by forced air circulation, automatic defrosting with condensate evaporation. The operation is controlled by a thermostat. The upper part of the showcase is provided with fluorescent lighting. A removable rack allows the extension of the display area. Big advantage of this cooling box is its technical solution concerning front and side glass warm-air blowing coming from the condensor. The openings on the external sides of the box avoid the humidity condensation on the glass while the higher humidity in outer space and lower temperature inside the box.
    Technical data  
    • complete stainless-steel construction
    • front curved glass - easy removable
    • forced air circulation - equal distribution of air
    • automatic defrosting of the evaporator
    • automatic evaporation of condensate water
    • electronic control of the unit
    • designed for +25°C and 60°r.h.
    • four model lengths - versions: standard – 1 GN, 2 GN, 3 GN, 4 GN high – 2 GN, 3 GN self-service – 2 GN, 3 GN
    • 1 GN, 2 GN with back hinged door 3 GN, 4 GN with back sliding door
    • accessories: cutting board, front display menu pane
    Sku: Lauapealne külmvitriin KENTUCKY 3 GN ECONOMY, 1,08 m

    Lauapealne külmvitriin KENTUCKY 3 GN ECONOMY, 1,08 m

  • Täiendav informatsioon

    Kentucky COLD The cooling is ensured by forced air circulation, automatic defrosting with condensate evaporation. The operation is controlled by a thermostat. The upper part of the showcase is provided with fluorescent lighting. A removable rack allows the extension of the display area. Big advantage of this cooling box is its technical solution concerning front and side glass warm-air blowing coming from the condensor. The openings on the external sides of the box avoid the humidity condensation on the glass while the higher humidity in outer space and lower temperature inside the box.
    Technical data  
    • complete stainless-steel construction
    • front curved glass - easy removable
    • forced air circulation - equal distribution of air
    • automatic defrosting of the evaporator
    • automatic evaporation of condensate water
    • electronic control of the unit
    • designed for +25°C and 60°r.h.
    • four model lengths - versions: standard – 1 GN, 2 GN, 3 GN, 4 GN high – 2 GN, 3 GN self-service – 2 GN, 3 GN
    • 1 GN, 2 GN with back hinged door 3 GN, 4 GN with back sliding door
    • accessories: cutting board, front display menu pane
    Sku: Lauapealne külmvitriin KENTUCKY 3 GN HIGH, 1,08 m

    Lauapealne külmvitriin KENTUCKY 3 GN HIGH, 1,08 m

  • Täiendav informatsioon

    Kentucky COLD The cooling is ensured by forced air circulation, automatic defrosting with condensate evaporation. The operation is controlled by a thermostat. The upper part of the showcase is provided with fluorescent lighting. A removable rack allows the extension of the display area. Big advantage of this cooling box is its technical solution concerning front and side glass warm-air blowing coming from the condensor. The openings on the external sides of the box avoid the humidity condensation on the glass while the higher humidity in outer space and lower temperature inside the box.
    Technical data  
    • complete stainless-steel construction
    • front curved glass - easy removable
    • forced air circulation - equal distribution of air
    • automatic defrosting of the evaporator
    • automatic evaporation of condensate water
    • electronic control of the unit
    • designed for +25°C and 60°r.h.
    • four model lengths - versions: standard – 1 GN, 2 GN, 3 GN, 4 GN high – 2 GN, 3 GN self-service – 2 GN, 3 GN
    • 1 GN, 2 GN with back hinged door 3 GN, 4 GN with back sliding door
    • accessories: cutting board, front display menu pane
    Sku: Lauapealne külmvitriin KENTUCKY 3 GN s-s, 1,08 m

    Lauapealne külmvitriin KENTUCKY 3 GN s-s, 1,08 m

  • Täiendav informatsioon

    Kentucky COLD The cooling is ensured by forced air circulation, automatic defrosting with condensate evaporation. The operation is controlled by a thermostat. The upper part of the showcase is provided with fluorescent lighting. A removable rack allows the extension of the display area. Big advantage of this cooling box is its technical solution concerning front and side glass warm-air blowing coming from the condensor. The openings on the external sides of the box avoid the humidity condensation on the glass while the higher humidity in outer space and lower temperature inside the box.
    Technical data  
    • complete stainless-steel construction
    • front curved glass - easy removable
    • forced air circulation - equal distribution of air
    • automatic defrosting of the evaporator
    • automatic evaporation of condensate water
    • electronic control of the unit
    • designed for +25°C and 60°r.h.
    • four model lengths - versions: standard – 1 GN, 2 GN, 3 GN, 4 GN high – 2 GN, 3 GN self-service – 2 GN, 3 GN
    • 1 GN, 2 GN with back hinged door 3 GN, 4 GN with back sliding door
    • accessories: cutting board, front display menu pane
    Sku: Lauapealne külmvitriin KENTUCKY 3 GN, 1,08 m

    Lauapealne külmvitriin KENTUCKY 3 GN, 1,08 m

  • Täiendav informatsioon

    Kentucky COLD The cooling is ensured by forced air circulation, automatic defrosting with condensate evaporation. The operation is controlled by a thermostat. The upper part of the showcase is provided with fluorescent lighting. A removable rack allows the extension of the display area. Big advantage of this cooling box is its technical solution concerning front and side glass warm-air blowing coming from the condensor. The openings on the external sides of the box avoid the humidity condensation on the glass while the higher humidity in outer space and lower temperature inside the box.
    Technical data  
    • complete stainless-steel construction
    • front curved glass - easy removable
    • forced air circulation - equal distribution of air
    • automatic defrosting of the evaporator
    • automatic evaporation of condensate water
    • electronic control of the unit
    • designed for +25°C and 60°r.h.
    • four model lengths - versions: standard – 1 GN, 2 GN, 3 GN, 4 GN high – 2 GN, 3 GN self-service – 2 GN, 3 GN
    • 1 GN, 2 GN with back hinged door 3 GN, 4 GN with back sliding door
    • accessories: cutting board, front display menu pane
    Sku: Lauapealne külmvitriin KENTUCKY 4 GN, 1,41 m

    Lauapealne külmvitriin KENTUCKY 4 GN, 1,41 m

  • Täiendav informatsioon

    This cooling box can be utilized not only in cafeterias but also in fast food restaurants, in hotels for preparing of breakfast or salads presentations. Technical data: - 2 models: 82cm, 138 cm - complete stainless steel construction - plug-in - electronic control of the unit - static cooling with foamed evaporator - temperature range: +2/+8 °C (designed for +25°C and 60% relative humidity) - voltage 230V/50Hz/1Ph - coolant R 404 a - the aggregate can be placed on the left or on the right side - max depth of containers 100 mm (providing containers on request only) - accessories: removable acrylglass cover (the upper acrylglass cover and GNcontainers are not included in the unit price of the case)
    Sku: Lauapealne külmvitriin RHEIN 1400, 1,38 m

    Lauapealne külmvitriin RHEIN 1400, 1,38 m

  • The new product range of serve over, top table counters brings attractive design and innovation to any fast-food outlets, restaurants, supermarket's "fresh corners" and fuel stations. The showcase THAYA is offered both in COLD as well as HOT version, thus may present a very wide range of food from baguettes, sandwiches, desserts to grilled chicken, pizza and the like such as baguettes, sandwiches, drinks, pastries, etc.
    • Serve over
    • Variants HOT and COLD
    • Available sizes: GN1, GN, GN2 High, GN3
    • Top table or DROP-IN by removing the front panel easily
    • LED lighting
    • Stainless steel construction
    • Mirror Back doors
    • Removable shelves
    Sku: Lauapealne külmvitriin THAYA 600, 0,72 m

    Lauapealne külmvitriin THAYA 600, 0,72 m